WIP 3.11

New Features Logs:

Updated locomotion approach 

Characters redesign

Cull distance 

Amd fidelity 

Ai party will automatically teleported near player 

camera system 

ikfoot enhancements

interactive foliage enhancements

optimized performance

water system 

background noise,music dynamic

battlesystem frameworkv4

blocking system

light and heavy dynamic

slowmotion dynamic 

Directional death animation dynamic

Melee/Sword Class 


-attack nearest enemy and direction based animation

-smooth camera transition

-Ai float assistant

-Aerial + combo enhancements

Longrange Mage/Archer Class

-3 modes

-locking system 

-aim offset

-auto attack nearest enemy

To follow

My game modules to follow are the following below 


-full lore story (Complete) 

-AI enhancements

-Characters ,enemies overdrive cutscene system 

-Blocking and parry enhancements

-VFX enhancements 



-PVP system and COOP boss fights


Knights Of Legend File
Jan 12, 2022